How to Find Largest Two Numbers in Array
In this example, we’ll find largest two numbers in array: 1. Java Output: Complete Java Solutions can be found here: Github Link
In this example, we’ll find largest two numbers in array: 1. Java Output: Complete Java Solutions can be found here: Github Link
In this example, we’ll find Find Largest and Smallest Number in Unsorted Array: 1. Java Output: Complete Java Solutions can be found here: Github Link
In this example, we’ll find Kth smallest element in unsorted array: K=2 means we want to find 2nd smallest number in the given array and to find the value it’s important to sort the array in the first place. 1. Java Using Arrays.sort() method: Output: Using Insertion Sort: Output: Complete Java Solutions can be found …
In this example, we’ll find intersection of two sorted arrays: 1. Java #Approach 1 To find the intersection of 2 sorted arrays, follow the below approach : Use two variables with nested loop, i and j Compare elements to each other arr1[i] == arr2[j] If matches, print the element (or append). Output: #Approach 2 To …
In this example, we will find first repeating element in an array. 1. JAVA Complete Java Solutions can be found here: Github Link
In this example, we will check how to Find Common Elements In Multiple Sorted Array 1. JAVA To find common elements in sorted arrays, follow the below approach : Let’s suppose there are 3 arrays. Use three variables i = 0, j = 0, k=0 If arr[i] == arr1[j] && arr1[j] == arr2[k] then print …
In this example, we will check if array contains a value or not. 1. JAVA Using Linear Search Using Binary Search (if array is sorted) Complete Java Solutions can be found here: Github Link